Parent Teacher Group (PTG)
The PTG was developed as a way to assist the school in offsetting increasing costs in student tuition, as well as increasing community awareness of St. Anthony's Catholic School. PTG offers many volunteering opportunities for parents. Meetings are held monthly and parents are encouraged to be involved.
The PTG also has many ongoing projects for the improvement of the school. Many fundraisers are held throughout the year to raise funds for these projects. If you would like to make a donation, please click here to be taken to our donation form.
Volunteer Requirements
Anyone who plans to volunteer in any capacity at the school or school-related event, including anything conducted off campus must have the following on file in the school office:
Fingerprint clearance - see office for form
Protecting God's Children - online training and certificate through Virtus
Volunteer application
If any of the above are missing, you will be unable to participate.
All volunteers on the school campus during school hours are required to check in at the office and obtain a visitor pass. You must sign in and out using the Participation Binder to receive credit for your service hours. Reporting service hours is your responsibility. Hours will be updated in the Family Portal, (under the Family Home tab, in the Service Hours of the oldest child), following all major PTG fundraisers.
A family cannot gift their excess hours to another family. You must sign in and out of an event and indicate the family you are working for.
Should an individual for any reason be unable to keep a previously scheduled commitment, it is the sole responsibility of that individual to contact the event chair and find a substitute who will fill in and meet the obligation. If no one can be found, you MUST arrange to work at another PTG event to fulfill your commitment. If no arrangement is made and no contact is made with the event chair or participation coordinator, you will be assessed accordingly.